
Frontier Girls Troop 377

Volunteers — Join The Team

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Frontier Girls Troop 377 leaders are at least 21 years of age, approved by the Chartered Organization, and registered as an adult volunteer leader of the Frontier Girls. In order to be considered fully trained in their position as a registered adult volunteer leader, leaders are required to complete a series of trainings, which includes, but not limited to the same training that adult volunteer leaders of Scouting America are required to take. These trainings include: Youth Protection Training and Den Leader or Pack Committee Member Training, and Hazardous Weather Training. Once completed, these trainings will provide each registered adult volunteer leader with all of the skills and tools necessary to be effective and successful leaders. Our troop is required to have a registered adult volunteer leader at every troop function. We will make every effort to ensure that we have enough registered adult volunteer leaders and register adult volunteers to adequately cover all of our troop activities.

You can also register as an adult volunteer, which is a little different than an adult volunteer leader. Being an adult volunteer does not required as much training, the process is the same. As an adult volunteer, you will have to complete the adult registration process. Being an adult volunteer, means that you assist as a team member in the areas like fundraising, camping, outdoor events, meeting setup or cleanup, troop promotion or social media. And though the training requirements are a little as stringent, all adult volunteers will be required to complete the BSA Youth Protection Training. Once completed, this trainings will provide each registered adult volunteer with all of the skills and tools necessary to be effective and successful volunteers.

trainedTrained Frontier Girls leaders provide a quality, fun-filled program for girls. When leaders understand the whys and hows of Frontiering, they are more effective in their roles. Trained leaders know how to use the available resources to provide an exciting and worthwhile program for the girls. Trained leaders also have confidence in carrying out their roles and responsibilities. As a result, Frontier Girls receive a program designed to achieve the program's aims of citizenship training, character development, and personal fitness.

All our leaders volunteer their time, have a great concern for the Troop’s success, and the growth of our girls. Every attempt is made to have an adequate number of registered adult or adult volunteer leadership for every eight to ten girls of a particular level in the troop. We feel that this will provide a safe environment for each of our girls and allow her to get the individual attention she requires to advance. We want our girls to be as safe as possible, and for the parents to know and feel that their daughters are well cared for. There is a shortage of volunteers in our Troop. In order for our Troop to grow and become successful, we need your help. We need more volunteers to help with Pack and Troop meetings, special events, and other scout functions. It is a worthwhile venture and your daughter will appreciate the effort that you give to be an important part of her life.

If you are interested in stepping up to become a member of our Troop Leadership team, as a registered adult volunteer leader or as a registered adult volunteer, please contact our Troop Committee for more information.



Whether you are an adult volunteer leader or an adult volunteer in the Troop 377 family, there are several trainings you are required to take. To begin, click on the training logo (to the left) to start your online learning experience. Currently, all adult volunteer leaders are required to take Youth Protection, Den Leader or Pack Committee Member Training, and Hazardous Weather Training in order to be classified as Fully Trained. All adult volunteers are required to take Youth Protection in order to be considered as Trained in their positions.

These trainings are not just limited to registered adult leaders or adult volunteers only; any adult partner, parent, or guardian that would like to go through the training is welcomed to take the courses. It is all online, so you can complete them in the comfort of your own home.

Through the Scouting U Learn Center found online, adult volunteer leaders and adult volunteers can complete all of the training needed to be considered fully trained in their positions. The Scouting U Learn Center is located at https://my.scouting.org..

Once logged in, training courses can be found by selecting the “MENU” button in the upper left corner, then “MY TRAINING” in the menu list. From there you will be able to select the required training.

So, if you are ready to be trained, click the training logo and get started.