
Frontier Girls Troop 377

Frequently Asked Questions

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What is Frontier Girls?
Frontier Girls is a year-round program uniquely designed to meet the needs of young girls and their parents. Frontier Girls is a scout like curriculum for girls ages 3 - adult and is offered to religious, civic, and many other groups to be used as part of their youth programming. The program is also available to individual families. Created to be a uniformed, biblically based, scouting-type youth program for girls, this program is offered as an alternative to Girl Scouts. Our mission is to raise women of honor to be the mothers and leaders of the future through life skills, leadership, character building, teamwork and service to others. The program offers fun and challenging activities that promote character development and physical fitness. Service projects, ceremonies, games, and other activities guide girls through the core values as they help to promote patriotism, traditional values, community service, as well as a love of learning. Family involvement is an essential part of Frontier Girls and parents are encouraged to play an active role in the program. Through interaction between parents, leaders, and friends, girls learn citizenship, compassion, courage, as well as a sense of community.

How old (or young) can a girl be to join Frontier Girls?
The frontier Girls program is offered to girls ages 3 - adult.

Are Frontier Girls members part of a national organization?
No. Frontier Girls LLC simply sells a curriculum product. We sell membership subscriptions to our website and a license to use our name and uniform. All Frontier Girls troops are independently operated by individuals or organizations that have purchased a troop membership through Frontier Girls LLC. Each troop is an autonomous body operated and governed by a single individual, local non-profit organization, church, school, or business. These groups have purchased a subscription to our curriculum and a license to use the Frontier Girls name and logo as part of their youth programming. Frontier Girls troops may NOT be run as a for profit entity of any kind. Frontier Girls troops are not business franchises and are designed for youth education only.

How much does an Individual Membership cost?
Each family must purchase either an individual or family membership depending on the number of girls they have participating in the program in order to have access to the website and a license to use our name and wear our uniform. To view membership purchase options click HERE.

What does an Individual Membership from Frontier Girls include?
Every girl who participates in Frontier Girls should be a registered member regardless of whether she is operating as a Pioneer (alone) or as part of a troop. This registration and membership to the website includes a license to use the Frontier Girls name and uniform and yearly access to the members only section of Frontier Girls where you will find everything you need for your daughter to fully participate in our program including:

  • All badge requirements

  • Girl/Parent Handbook

  • Outdoor resources

  • Tall Flag Instructions

  • Tall Flag Instructions

  • Flag Ceremonies

  • Songs

  • Links to resources such as crafts, patriotism, games and more

  • Notices of discounts and sales

  • Monthly newsletter

  • Access to our Parent/Leader Forum and our Girls Forum

Are Frontier Girls troops allowed to partner with Scouts BSA Troops or other local scouting organizations?
Yes. Frontier Girls is a very flexible program and we encourage interaction with other scouting programs. We will also honor badge requirements from these other programs as long as they are age appropriate. This way if you have a Scouts BSA Troop that you would like to work with for a particular activity, you may use the Scouts BSA badge requirements for earning your badge rather than the Frontier Girls ones, making programming easier for all involved. We also encourage Frontier Girls to be active in any local all scout activities such as community service projects or jamborees.

Do we have to wear uniforms?
To fully participate in the Frontier Girls program, each girl will need a complete uniform. Without a vest, she has nowhere to put her badges and awards. Uniforms also promote teamwork and a cohesive group as everyone feels they are part of something larger than themselves. While we encourage all girls to wear the Frontier Girls uniform when participating in Frontier Girls activities, it is not always practical. Frontier Girls t-shirts or sweatshirts are recommended for any “messy” activity where uniforms may be stained or damaged. Troops may design their own troop shirts if they wish.

How often do Frontier Girls meet?
Our Troop meets at least twice each month. We also meet once a month with Cub Scout Pack 141 for their Pack meetings, which are held for all scouts and their families once a month. Beyond that, the troop may may hold a special activity, such as a service project or visit to a local museum in place of one of the weekly meetings or in addition to the weekly meetings, as well as joint events with Cub Scout Pack 141 when we conduct special events such as a service projects or participate in community events such as parades as additional events.

Are parents required to attend Troop meetings?
Since scouting is family oriented, parents are encouraged to attend all meetings. The meetings are not designed to be an hour of free baby-sitting for your daughter. If you cannot attend a particular meeting with your daughter, we require you to escort her in and out of the meeting. This will promote safety and allow the den leaders us the opportunity to pass on important information. If you would like to volunteer help with a particular den meeting, inform the troop leadership in advance so that the leadership can plan your role in the meeting.

What are the responsibilities of an adult partner, parent, or guardian?
Responsibilities include, but are not limited to; providing help and support for the troop; working with your daughter on advancement projects and activities; attending troop and pack meetings with your daughter and to help present her advancement awards, when required, to her at the troop and pack meetings; attending and assisting with troop and pack meetings and outings; and attending Troop Family functions and activities with your daughter.

What supplies and equipment are needed to participate in Frontier Girls?
At minimum, each girl in the Frontier Girls program will need a uniform. Additional supplies and equipment may be needed for certain activities such as camping trips or field days. To find out more about uniforms, click HERE to visit our Uniforms page.

Where can I purchase Frontier Girls literature, uniforms, and other program materials?
Go to the Frontier Girls online store all the essentials for scouts, parents and scouters, including uniforms, awards, badges and troop supplies. Click HERE. to see the full product line at The Frontier Girls Store..

How can I become an adult volunteer in Frontier Girls?
Express your interest to the troop leadership or a members of the troop committee. They can help you understand the process and guide you on areas where the troop needs support. We welcome parent help.